A list of talks, seminars and posters I have presented.
Invited Talks
Detecting the First Stars with REACH and Bayesian Statistics. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research India, ‘State of the Universe Seiminar’. Online. October 2022.
Detecting the First Stars Using 21-cm Cosmology. ETH Zurich. Online. January 2022.
Conference Talks
Efficient Bayesian Modelling of Time Dependent RFI and Transient RFI in 21cm Experiments. 6th Global 21cm Workshop. Trieste, Italy. September 2023.
Modelling Beam Uncertainties in Global 21cm Experiments through Bayesian Data Analysis. XXXV General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS) of the International Union of Radio Science (Union Radio Scientifique Internationale-URSI). Sapporo, Japan. August 2023.
Parameterised Modelling of Antenna Beams for Global 21cm Experiments. 5th Global 21-cm Workshop. Berkeley, California, USA / Online. October 2022.
An Update on the REACH experiment and its Bayesian Data Analysis Pipeline. Science at Low Frequencies VIII. Online. December 2021.
Constraining Foreground Models Using Time- and Antenna- Dependent Data. 4th Global 21-cm Workshop. Boulder, Colorado, USA / Online. October 2021.
Using Bayesian data analysis to model systematics and inform experiment design in Global 21cm experiments. XXXIV General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS) of the International Union of Radio Science (Union Radio Scientifique Internationale-URSI). Rome, Italy / Online. August 2021.
An Update on the REACH Analysis Pipeline and its Uses in Experimental Design. 3rd Global 21-cm Workshop. Cambridge, UK / Online. October 2020.
Detecting the first stars with REACH: Data analysis via physics-rooted models. Cavendish Graduate Student Conference. Cambridge, UK. November 2019.
Bayesian data analysis for REACH. 2nd Global 21cm Workshop. Montreal, Canada. October 2019.
Internal Talks
Time-sensitive Anomaly Flagging through Likelihood Reweighting. Kavli Institute of Cosmology Focus Meeting on Astrostatistics \& Astro-Machine Learning. Cambridge, UK. June 2023.
Improving Foreground Modelling in Global 21cm Cosmology using Time-Dependant Data. `The Early Universe (from Cosmic Dawn through the First Galaxies to the End of Reionization)’, Kavli Science Focus Meeting. Cambridge UK. May 2022.
Parameterised antenna modelling in Global 21cm Cosmology. `Observational and Theoretical 21-cm Cosmology’, Kavli Science Focus Meeting. Cambridge UK. April 2022.
- Modelling foregrounds and chromaticity via Bayesian data analysis. SKA Science Conference, “A precursor view of the SKA Sky”. Online. March 2021.